Fresh Raw Dairy straight from the farmer!

What is Real Milk?

written by

Gideon Lapp

posted on

September 25, 2023

Back in the 1920s, Americans could buy fresh raw whole milk, real clabber, buttermilk, luscious naturally yellow butter, many kinds of fresh and aged raw cheeses, and thick cream. 

Today’s milk is accused of causing everything from allergies to cancer, but when Americans could buy Real Milk, these diseases were rare. In fact, fewer and fewer Westerners can actually consume today’s pasteurized, ultrapasteurized, homogenized, fat-reduced and manipulated dairy products. Sales of fluid milk are declining relentlessly at 1-3 percent per year.

What is Real Milk?

Real Milk comes from Real Cows.

The source of most commercial milk is the modern (rather than the traditional) Holstein,* bred to produce huge quantities of milk—three times more than the old-fashioned cow—and to survive on a grain-based diet rather than on grass. Her average lifespan is forty-two months, compared to about twelve years for the grass-fed cow. She must be milked three times per day, and she is very susceptible to mastitis. Her milk contains high levels of growth hormone from her pituitary gland, even when she is spared the indignities of genetically engineered bovine growth hormone, to push her to the udder limits of milk production. 

Real Milk comes from Real Cows that eat Real Feed.

Real feed for cows is green grass in spring, summer and fall, with only small amounts of grain; stored dry hay, silage and root vegetables in winter. It is not soy meal, cottonseed meal or other commercial feeds, nor is it bakery waste, chicken manure, swill from ethanol production or citrus peel cake laced with pesticides. Vital nutrients like vitamins A, D, E and K2 are greatest in milk from cows eating green grass, especially rapidly growing green grass in the spring and fall. Vitamins A and D are greatly diminished, and vitamin K2 disappears when milk cows are fed commercial feed. Soy meal contains thyroid-depressing estrogen compounds called isoflavones that pass through to the milk. Most milk (even most milk labeled “organic”) comes from dairy cows that are kept in confinement their entire lives and never see green grass!

Real Milk is not Pasteurized.

Pasteurization destroys enzymes, denatures anti-microbial and immune-stimulating components, diminishes nutrient availability, denatures fragile milk proteins, destroys vitamins C, B6 and B12, kills beneficial bacteria, promotes pathogens and is associated with allergies, increased tooth decay, colic in infants, growth and behavior problems in children, osteoporosis, arthritis and heart disease. Calves fed pasteurized milk do poorly and often die before maturity. Raw milk sours naturally but pasteurized milk turns putrid.

Real Milk is not Homogenized.

Homogenization is a process that breaks down butterfat globules so they do not rise to the top. Homogenized milk has been linked to heart disease.

Real Milk contains butterfat, and lots of it!

Average butterfat content from old-fashioned cows at the turn of the 20th century was over 4 percent (or more than 50 percent of calories). Today butterfat comprises less than 3 percent (or less than 35 percent of calories). Worse, consumers have been duped into believing that
low-fat and skim milk products are good for them. Only by marketing low-fat and skim milk as health foods can the modern dairy industry get rid of its excess poor-quality, reduced-fat milk from modern high-production herds. Butterfat contains vitamins A and D needed for assimilation of calcium and protein in the water fraction of the milk. Without them protein and calcium are more difficult to utilize and possibly toxic. Butterfat is rich in short- and medium-chain fatty acids, which protect against disease and stimulate the immune system. It contains glycospingolipids, which prevent intestinal distress, and conjugated linoleic acid, which has strong anticancer properties.

Real Milk contains no Additives.

Powdered skim milk, a source of dangerous oxidized cholesterol and neurotoxic amino acids, is added to 1% and 2% milk. Low-fat yogurts and sour creams contain mucopolysaccharide slime. Pale butter from hay-fed cows contains colorings to imitate vitamin-rich butter from grass-fed cows. Rennet produced by bio-engineered bacteria is used in large-scale cheese production. Mass-produced cheeses contain additives and colorings. And imitation cheese products contain vegetable oils.

Real Milk can save Family Farms.

Pasteurization laws favor large, industrialized dairy operations and squeeze out small farmers. When farmers have the right to sell unprocessed milk directly to consumers, they can make a decent living, even with small herds.

What do Studies show of Raw Milk?

Studies show:

  • That children fed raw milk have more resistance to TB than children fed pasteurized milk.
  • That raw milk is very effective in preventing scurvy and protecting against flu, diphtheria and pneumonia.
  • That raw milk prevents tooth decay, even in children who eat a lot of sugar.
  • That raw milk is better than pasteurized milk in promoting growth and calcium absorption. 
  • That a substance present in raw cream (but not in pasteurized cream) prevents joint stiffness and the pain of arthritis.
  • And that children who drink raw milk have fewer allergic skin problems and far less asthma than children who drink pasteurized milk. 
  • Many parents report an improvement in their children’s behavior when they switch from pasteurized to raw milk.
  • Raw milk contains numerous components that kill pathogenic bacteria in the milk, strengthen the immune system, protect the intestinal tract, prevent the absorption of toxins and ensure full assimilation of all the nutrients in the milk. These components are largely destroyed by pasteurization.
  • Back in the 1920s, Americans considered a supply of high-quality dairy products vital to American security and economic well-being. Today dairy farms are going out of business at an accelerating rate, unable to make a living on the low prices dairy farmers receive from the monopolistic dairy industry, leading to tragic rural decline.

    What’s needed today is a return to humane, pasture-based dairying, small-scale traditional processing and direct farm-to-consumer sales; what’s needed is. . .A Campaign for Real Milk.

    Raw Milk Testimonies from the Real Milk Campaign:

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    Please read these guidelines thoroughly. We recommend printing a copy to bring along as you become familiar with the process. If you order for multiple sites, please keep in mind each location has different guidelines. Keep in mind: • On delivery days, keep an eye on your email, in case of delays. We will email you when it is ready for pick-up. • This site’s pick-up window is from 10:30AM till 3:00PM. Pick-up Site Information: Address: The address of the house is 55-13 69th place, Maspeth, NY 11378 but the food is in the back of the building. So park on 55th Ave (at dead-end), then walk down the back alley to the house farthest down. Then the food will be at that last door. (See picture Below) This Home is a private residential home, so be aware the site host isn’t responsible for your food. Please Contact Jacob with any questions: Text 209-794-9861 Call 717-786-0877 or Email Your Food is packed in Boxes and Ice Chest: • The Eggs, vegetables, and dry foods are in a box with your name. • The Refrigerated Dairy Items are in an Ice Chest with your name on the Bag. • The Frozen Food are in a different Ice Chest with your name on the Bag. • And the milk is unlabeled, so just take the exact amount and size you ordered. • Important note: The Cow milk in Plastic has Red Caps. The Cow milk in Glass has White Caps. The Goat milk has Blue Caps. • The Cow Milk in Plastic comes in big Gallons and smaller half Gallons. Always be sure to get only what you ordered, because the rest belongs to someone else. • Please Always check your packing slip to make sure you have all your food before you leave the site. Keep in Mind: • You might not always see anybody when you go to pick-up! It is made that you can go, get your food, and leave again! • Respect your site host and their neighbors. Always be quiet and non-disruptive when picking up. • The site host is not responsible for your safety at the site. Please use caution in inclement weather. • Any Food that is not picked up during the pickup window automatically becomes property of the site host, unless we are aware that you’ll be later. • Do not leave empty boxes or bottles at the site. Payments: Payments are not taken at the site, although expressing your appreciation to the host is appreciated! Payment is made by your Card on file, or by sending a check to the Farm. In most cases your card info is on file now, and Gideon will swipe it in the evening of the Pickup Day. Thank you so much for making this Pick-up Option work! It is a very convenient way for a little Family Farm to get Fresh Food to you each week! Your Cooperation helps ensure that the Pick-up locations can continue! Any Questions, please call the office at 717-786-0877, or reply to the email. (In worse case if Gideon doesn’t answer, call Father Abner 717-572-8043. Thank you again so much for your Interest in Real Farm Foods!

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