How to Refer other people, and get $$$ off your orders!
posted on
September 11, 2023
Are you ready to share your testimony of how you enjoy your Farm Fresh Food? You can now get Store Credit by sharing CWH Ministry with your Friends and Family!
All you need to do, is share a link, and as soon as they place their first order through clicking the link you provided, you'll receive a $7 credit, and they will get $7 off their first order!
You can share your link on pages like Social Media page, your local mother's group, community events, church or school friends, coworkers, or even at your local Health Food store!
How do I find the Referral Link?

- Sign in to your Account.
- Click on Account (on top right side).
- Click on Referrals.
Then you'll see your Referral link, and below that is the amount of times it is used, and the Credit you have made.
The Credit will automatically be added to your account!
Let's Have Fun on Facebook!
When posting on Facebook and Instagram, let's be connected with hashtags: #rawmilknj #realfoodheals #iloverawmilk
You can share Gideon's posts, then just add your Referral Link. And I give you permission to download the 2 pictures of the brochure, and add your own testimony with your post.
Be sure to add your Referral Link when you share on social media, so you get the store credit!
Who shall I share the link with?
Anyone that has interest in their health!
- We have Pick-up options in NJ, NYC, and Southeastern corner of NY.
- We offer Home Delivery in NJ, delivered by Farmer Gideon.
- We offer UPS Home Delivery in all eastern states.
The more people we get in New Jersey, the cheaper Home Delivery will become!
If you have any questions about anything, please reach out to Gideon:
text: 717-824-0537